
porter app run

The porter app run command allows users to execute a command on a remote container:

porter app run [APP_NAME] -- [COMMAND] [args...]

The APP_NAME is the name of the application on the Porter dashboard.

Running porter app run spins up an ephemeral copy of your application container. This container will be deleted when your command completes, or when you exit your interactive shell session.

To connect to an existing running container, you can specify the -e flag:

porter app run -e [APP_NAME] -- [COMMAND] [args...]

Common Usage

porter app run [APP_NAME] -- bash

This will launch an interactive shell session through which you can run other commands, like ls, ps, etc. If bash isn’t found on your container, you can also try sh for a similar result.

porter app build

The porter app build command builds a new container image for an app based on it’s existing build settings. Any build setting can be overridden with a corresponding flag.

For example, to start a Docker build for an app in the ./frontend directory, you can run:

porter app build [APP_NAME] --build-context ./frontend --dockerfile ./frontend/Dockerfile

porter app push

The porter app push command pushes a container image to the default registry for the app. This command can be used with the app build command to build and push an image as discrete steps.

The --tag flag can be used to specify the image tag to push. Otherwise, the head of the current branch will be used as the tag.

porter app push [APP_NAME] --tag [TAG]

porter app update

The porter app update command updates the specified app with the provided configuration. This command differs from “porter apply” in that it only updates the app, but does not attempt to build a new image. This is similar to updating the app in the Porter dashboard.

porter app update [APP_NAME] -f porter.yaml

porter app update-tag

porter app update-tag updates the image of the specified application with the tag provided by the --tag flag. For example:

porter app update-tag <YOUR_APP_NAME> --tag <GITHUB_SHA>

This command is functionally equivalent to running either porter apply or porter app update with the --tag flag.