Porter injects some default environment variables in all Porter-provisioned apps, containing basic metadata around your app and the current deployment revision. A full list of these environment variables may be found here:

  1. PORTER_RESOURCES_RAM - The amount of RAM assigned to the current service.
  2. PORTER_RESOURCES_CPU - The number of vCPU cores assigned to the current service.
  3. PORTER_RESOURCES_REPLICAS - The static replica count for the current service. Note that this may differ from the actual number of replicas running, if you have autoscaling enabled.
  4. PORTER_NODE_NAME - The node the current service replica is running on.
  5. PORTER_NODE_IP - The internal IP of the node the current service replica is running on.
  6. PORTER_POD_NAME - This is the same as the internal hostname for the current service replica.
  7. PORTER_POD_IP - The internal private IP assigned to the current service replica.
  8. PORTER_POD_IMAGE_TAG - The image tag being used to run the current service replica. This is typically the same as PORTER_IMAGE_TAG.
  9. PORTER_IMAGE_TAG - The image tag being used for the current app. This is typically the same as PORTER_POD_IMAGE_TAG.
  10. PORTER_POD_REVISION - The revision ID assigned to the latest app deployment by Porter.
  11. PORTER_APP_SERVICE_NAME - A portmanteau of the app name and service name: <APP>-SERVICE.

If you’re looking at adding more metadata to logs or traces, these environment variables can be used to inject metadata about the origin of a log/trace into your observability tooling.