To set up and authenticate with the CLI, run the following command:

porter auth login

This command will automatically set a project ID and a cluster ID in your default configuration file, if you have a project and cluster. You can always view your default configuration by running porter config. You can see all projects that you have access to by running:

porter projects list

And you can set a project via:

porter config set-project [PROJECT_ID]

Next, you can see all clusters that you have access to via:

porter clusters list

And similarly, you can set the cluster:

porter config set-cluster [CLUSTER_ID]

Environment Variables and Global Flags

The following environment variables can be set in order to authenticate to and target a specific Porter project or cluster:


These are also supported as global flags:

--cluster uint   cluster ID of Porter cluster
--project uint   project ID of Porter project
--token string   token for Porter authentication

Viewing Help Instructions

You can view help instructions for any command via the -h, or --help flag. For example:

porter -h
porter cluster -h