
A detailed guide on updating applications from the CLI can be found here.



porter update builds and updates a specified application given by the --app flag. For example:

porter update --app example-app


This command will automatically build from a local path. The path can be configured via the --path flag. You can also overwrite the tag using the --tag flag. For example, to build from the local directory ~/path-to-dir with the tag testing:

porter update --app example-app --path ~/path-to-dir --tag testing

If the application has a remote Git repository source configured, you can specify that the remote Git repository should be used to build the new image by specifying --source github. Porter will use the latest commit from the remote repo and branch to update an application, and will use the latest commit as the image tag.

porter update --app remote-git-app --source github

To add new configuration or update existing configuration, you can pass a values.yaml file in via the --values flag. For example;

porter update --app example-app --values my-values.yaml

If your application is set up to use a Dockerfile by default, you can use a buildpack via the flag --method pack. Conversely, if your application is set up to use a buildpack by default, you can use a Dockerfile by passing the flag “—method docker”. You can specify the relative path to a Dockerfile in your remote Git repository. For example, if a Dockerfile is found at ./docker/prod.Dockerfile, you can specify it as follows:

porter update --app example-app --method docker --dockerfile ./docker/prod.Dockerfile


  • --app (string) Application in the Porter dashboard
  • --dockerfile (string) the path to the dockerfile
  • -e, --env (stringArray) Build-time environment variable, in the form ‘VAR=VALUE’. These are not available at image runtime.
  • --method (string) the build method to use (“docker” or “pack”)
  • --namespace (string) Namespace of the application (default “default”)
  • -p, --path (string) If local build, the path to the build directory. If remote build, the relative path from the repository root to the build directory.
  • --source (string) the type of source (“local” or “github”) (default “local”)
  • --stream (string) stream update logs to porter dashboard
  • -t, --tag (string) the specified tag to use, if not “latest”
  • -v, --values (string) Filepath to a values.yaml file

Env groups


For an introduction to Env groups, please refer to the Environment Groups documentation

porter update env-group updates an existing env group denoted with the --name flag. For example:

porter update env-group set -n foo=bar -n por=ter -s api_key=supersecret --name prod-env

The -n flag is used to denote a normal (or non-secret) variable in an env group. The -s flag is used to denote a secret variable in an env group.


Updating an env group’s existing variable will always overwrite its previous value and type. This means that a previous secret variable will turn into a non-secret one if it is set by using the -n flag.


To add a new variable, or update an existing one, to an env group named prod-env in the namespace prod, you can do the following:

porter update env-group set -n VAR=VALUE [-n VAR=VALUE ...] --name prod-env --namespace prod

To add a new secret variable, or update an existing one, to an env group named prod-env in the namespace prod, you can do the following:

porter update env-group set -s VAR=VALUE [-s VAR=VALUE ...] --name prod-env --namespace prod

To delete a variable from an env group named prod-env in the namespace prod, you can do the following:

porter update env-group unset VAR [VAR ...] --name prod-env --namespace prod


  • --name (string) name of the env group
  • --version (uint) version of the env group to fork off of (default “0” which means the latest version)
  • -n or --normal (stringArray) list of normal variables, in the form VAR=VALUE, to set
  • -s or --secret (stringArray) list of secret variables, in the form VAR=VALUE, to set
  • --namespace (string) namespace of the env group (default “default”)