
porter connect contains commands for connecting to external clusters and providers.

Cluster Connection

porter connect kubeconfig

This connects an existing Kubernetes cluster with a Porter instance. By default, this command will read the current-context that’s set in your default kubeconfig (either by reading the $KUBECONFIG env variable or reading from $HOME/.kube/config). You can also pass a path to a kubeconfig file explicitly (see examples).


You can pass a path to a kubeconfig file explicitly via:

porter connect kubeconfig --kubeconfig path/to/kubeconfig

You can initialize Porter with a set of contexts by passing a context list to start. The contexts that Porter will be able to access are the same as kubectl config get-contexts. For example, if there are two contexts named minikube and staging, you could connect both of them via:

porter connect kubeconfig --contexts minikube --contexts staging


The Porter CLI will attempt to generate a working kubeconfig for many types of cluster configurations and auth mechanisms, even though the necessary commands and/or certificates will not be available on a filepath in the Porter instance. The CLI will attempt the following resolutions:

  • If a kubeconfig requires cluster CA data via the certificate-authority field, the CA data will be automatically populated.
  • If a kubeconfig requires client cert data via the client-certificate field, the certificate data will be automatically populated.
  • If a kubeconfig requires client key data via the client-key field, the key data will be automatically populated.
  • If a kubeconfig requires a custom oidc auth mechanism, and this mechanism requires OIDC issuer CA data via the idp-certificate-authority field, the CA data will be automatically populated.
  • If a kubeconfig requires a bearer token to be read from a token-file field, the token data will be automatically populated.
  • If a kubeconfig requires a custom AWS mechanism (through either aws eks get-token or aws-iam-authenticator), the CLI will require an AWS IAM user that has permissions on the cluster. This user can be supplied manually or the Porter CLI can attempt to create this user automatically.
  • If a kubeconfig requires a custom gcp auth mechanism (for connecting with GKE clusters), the CLI will require a GCP service-account that has permissions to read from the GKE cluster. The CLI will ask the user if it can set this up automatically: if so, it will automatically detect the correct GCP project ID and will create a service account and download a key file. If the user does not wish the CLI to set this up automatically, the user will need to provide a file path to a service account key file that was downloaded from GCloud.

Registry Connection


Note that there is a detailed guide for setting up registry connections here.

porter connect dockerhub

Adds a Docker Hub registry integration to a project.

porter connect docr

Adds a DOCR instance to a project.

porter connect ecr

Adds an ECR instance to a project.

porter connect gcr

Adds a GCR instance to a project.

porter connect gar

Adds a GAR instance to a project.

porter connect registry

Adds a custom image registry to a project.

Custom Helm Repository

porter connect helm

This connects a custom Helm repository to your Porter project. For a private Helm repository, you should be able to configure this with a username and password.